Chapter 04-04 お父さんはもう少しでイノシシの間を歩くところだった。



The second thing that happened was that he nearly walked right between two wild boars who were talking in low solemn whispers. When he first saw the dark shapes he thought they were boulders. Just in time he heard one of them say, “There are three signs of a recent invasion. First, fresh tangerine peels were found under the wahoo bush near the Ocean Rocks. Second, a mouse reported an extraordinary rock some distance from the Ocean Rocks which upon further investigation simply wasn’t there. However, more fresh tangerine peels were found in the same spot, which is the third sign of invasion. Since tangerines do not grow on our island, somebody must have brought them across the Ocean Rocks from the other island, which may, or may not, have something to do with the appearance and/or disappearance of the extraordinary rock reported by the mouse.”





二番目のこと / (関係代名詞 that)それがどんなことかというと / 起こった / 〜だった
The second thing / that / happened / was
〜だということ(〜は次の文の内容) / 彼はもう少しで歩くところだった / ちょうど〜の間を / 2匹のイノシシ / (関係代名詞 who)どんなイノシシかというと / 話しているところだった / 低いいかめしいささやき声で
that / he nearly walked / right between / two wild boars / who / were talking / in low solemn whispers.
〜な時(〜は次の文の内容)/ 彼が最初に目にした / その暗い形を
When / he first saw / the dark shapes
彼は考えた / それらが大きな丸い岩だと
he thought / they were boulders.
ぎりぎり間に合って / 彼は聞いた / それらの一匹が / 言うのを
Just in time / he heard / one of them / say,
「〜がある / 3つのしるし / 最近の侵入の
"There are / three signs / of a recent invasion.
第一に / 真新しいみかんの皮が / 見つけられた / ワフーの茂みの下で / オーシャン岩の近くの(で)
First, / fresh tangerine peels / were found / under the wahoo bush / near the Ocean Rocks.
第二に / ネズミが報告した / 普通とはまったく異なる岩を / いくらかの距離 / オーシャン岩から
Second, / a mouse reported / an extraordinary rock / some distance / from the Ocean Rocks
(関係代名詞 which) どんな岩かというと / さらに進んだ調査においては / どうしても / そこにはなかった
which / upon further investigation / simply / wasn't there.
しかしながら / より多くのみかんの皮が / 見つかった / 同じ地点において
However, / more fresh tangerine peels / were found / in the same spot,
(関係代名詞の非制限用法)それが / 第三のしるし / 侵入の
which / is the third sign / of invasion.
(分かっている理由を挙げて)〜なので(〜は次の文の内容) / みかんは育たない / 私たちの島では
Since / tangerines do not grow / on our island,
誰かが持ってきたに違いない / それらを / オーシャン岩を渡って / もう一つの島から
somebody must have brought / them / across the Ocean Rocks / from the other island,
(関係代名詞の非制限用法)それが / かもしれないし、でないかもしれない / 〜と何らかの関わりを持っている / 出現と消失の両方もしくは一方のみ / 例の普通ではない岩の / ネズミによって報告された
which / may, or may not, / have something to do with / the appearance and/or disappearance / of the extraordinary rock / reported by the mouse."