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“But what does all this have to do with airplanes?” asked my father, who thought the cat was taking an awfully long time to explain.
“Be patient, Elmer,” said the cat, and she went on with the story. “One day about four months before I arrived on Wild Island a baby dragon fell from a low-flying cloud onto the bank of the river. He was too young to fly very well, and besides, he had bruised one wing quite badly, so he couldn’t get back to his cloud. The animals found him soon afterwards and everybody said, ‘Why, this is just exactly what we’ve needed all these years!’ They tied a big rope around his neck and waited for the wing to get well. This was going to end all their crossing-the-river troubles.”
「でも / これまでの話の全体は何を持っているのか / かかわるために / 飛行機と
“But / what does all this have / to do / with airplanes?”
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asked my father,
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(関係代名詞)ちなみその人は / 考えた / ネコが(時間を)かけている / ものすごく長い時間 / 説明するために
who / thought / the cat was taking / an awfully long time / to explain.
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「根気強くありなさい / エルマー」
“Be patient, / Elmer,”
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said the cat,
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そして / 彼女は続けた / その話について
and / she went on / with the story.
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ある日 / 〜のだいたい4ヶ月前(〜は次の文の内容) / わたしが到着した / かいじゅう島の上に
“One day / about four months before / I arrived / on Wild Island
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一匹の赤ちゃんドラゴンが落ちた / 低く飛んでいた雲から / 川の土手の上に
a baby dragon fell / from a low-flying cloud / onto the bank of the river.
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彼は〜だった / あまりにも幼い / 飛ぶには / とても上手に
He was / too young / to fly / very well,
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そしてその上 / 彼は打撲していた / 片方の翼を / かなりひどく
and besides, / he had bruised / one wing / quite badly,
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だから / 彼は戻ってたどり着くことができなかった / 彼の雲へ
so / he couldn’t get back / to his cloud.
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動物たちは彼を見つけた / すぐ後に
The animals found him / soon afterwards
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そして / 誰もがみんな言った
and / everybody said,
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おやおや、 / これはまさにちょうど~だ / 〜であること(〜は次の文の内容) / 私たちがこれまで必要としていた / ここ何年もの間
‘Why, / this is just exactly / what / we’ve needed / all these years!’
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彼らは結んだ / 太いロープを / 彼の首の回りに
They tied / a big rope / around his neck
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そして / 待った / 彼の翼が / 良くなるのを
and / waited / for the wing / to get well.
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これは〜しそうだった / 終わらせる / すべての彼らの川渡り問題を
This was going to / end / all their crossing-the-river troubles.”
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