This all happened in the late afternoon, so late that the merchant in Cranberry who had ordered the wheat didn’t count his bags until the next morning. (He was a very punctual man, and never late for dinner.) The sailors told the captain, and the captain wrote down on a piece of paper, that they had delivered one hundred and sixty bags of wheat and one bag of dried corn on the cob. They left the piece of paper for the merchant and sailed away that evening.
My father heard later that the merchant spent the whole next day counting and recounting the bags and feeling each one trying to find the bag of dried corn on the cob. He never found it because as soon as it was dark my father climbed out of the bag, folded it up and put it back in his knapsack. He walked along the shore to a nice sandy place and lay down to sleep.
that / the merchant spent / the whole next day / counting and recounting the bags / and / feeling each one / trying to find / the bag / of dried corn / on the cob.
彼はけっして〜ない / それを見つけた
He never / found it
なぜなら〜だから(〜は次の文の内容) / 〜するとすぐに(〜は次の文の内容) / 暗かった
because / as soon as / it was dark
お父さんは / よじ登った / 袋の外へ
my father / climbed / out of the bag,
それをきっちりたたんだ / そして / それを元のところへ置いた / 彼のリュックサックの中に
folded it up / and / put it back / in his knapsack.